Thursday, June 14, 2012

I have found bliss - in a creamy delicious frozen yogurt bar

Yes I took a picture of the box. You may think it was because I wanted to post on this blog (well, I guess) but mostly it's because I have sent it to the husband with strict instructions to purchase 5 or more boxes of said product if he sees these anywhere. Anytime.

I love greek yogurt. And I love ice cream. I do not however like calories. I don't do much to fight them normally. They usually win while the most exercise I get is from moving from couch to bed, so the fact that this beautiful, creamy dessert decreases the amount of which I need to fight, well then, I couldn't be more pleased. And if I eat the whole box it's only 350 calories!  When I *do* make it to the gym, it will only take me 1 hour to run that off!  Aces! GO get some:  Yasso!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Awesome. Thanks.

Every time my husband goes away on business something happens. Not anything ultimately disastrous just something enough to mess up the delicately balanced sanity that one needs to grip with white knuckles until he gets home.  Working full time and then starting the second job, the toddler job, when getting home can really rack some nerves. Oh and don't forget the shopping, cooking and cleaning. And when the hell can I wash my hair?!
So this particular trip's fresh hell brought us a leak in the ceiling from the numbnuts kitchen upstairs. Actually the leak was in the electrical outlet. Bubbling, gurgling, with water running under the countertop and raising it up just enough to tilt everything towards the sink.  So the landlord ripped out the soggy ceiling and let wet drywall and black stuff, oh just probably black mold ("spray it with bleach," he says) rain down on dishes and cabinets. Awesome.  So this is my kitchen right now. Did I say awesome yet?  This is the awesome-est.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Red, red wine.

Wow that Prince William married well. Kate Middleton looks like she has a team of handlers and stylists but apparently she does her own makeup and shops at H&M.  By that account, I should look like this when I leave for work too.  Ha ha.