Thursday, May 26, 2011

One simple question

Fifty people. One question.  I think this should be mandatory viewing for everyone. Actually everyone should watch this at least once a week.  Or better yet, ask yourself the question each person here answers.  All we are told about each person is their name, where they live and what their answer is to the question.  We don't know them and we'll most likely never meet them but in that one sentence we see the span of their lifetime unfold in front of us. And as they walk away from the camera.  Amazingly powerful to see these faces... all the different ages, eyes, smiles, frowns, wrinkles and scars... every one so different but from watching this video, we all seem the same: mortal. Finite.  We have the same amount of time on this earth. The same chances to do more or do less with what we've been given or left out of.  These aren't their "15 minutes."  These are their lives.   Is that 30 seconds on screen what it feels like at the end of your years - like a blip - poof - gone?

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