Saturday, October 15, 2011

It's a new day

As the sun comes up on Saturday, what was supposed to be Day 4 of Day 8, I feel different and everything I do feels different.  Dr. Ho, the kindest man on the planet, reviewed my mammogram scans and my sonogram right at the radiology center, and determined that he sees 'nothing to be concerned about.'  He reasons that the glandular tissue in the breast can react to menstrual cycles and that is the simple cause of an enlarged, thickened area.  It should subside.  I feel lighter than I've ever been.  This extreme depth of the finality of my life really hit me hard - even in only 3 days.  Even with my scary ability to deny that it was happening.  Even though I'd collapse in a puddle, shaking and sobbing at the thought that my daughter would have to grow up without me.... it made a dent and I've learned.  Suddenly, all the little details that used to aggravate me or annoy me seem like wonderful badges to wear and be proud of.  I CAN put up with a tantrum and refusal to go to sleep. Isn't it wonderful? Isn't it beautiful to have a child that throws her food? Ok well not really but my point is, we're here. I'm here.  We have another shot to appreciate everything.  Thank you.

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