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Cereal can save us all.

I love cereal. I have a pantry shelf that I stock many different kinds of cereal. And I don't buy cereal so much for the taste, but as for the purpose. See, I have breakfast cereals (hearty, light, not too sweet) and then I have dessert cereals (sweet, but not Fruit Loops sweet. Pink milk was hilarious in high school, now it just makes my teeth hurt.) I find that a bowl of Cinnamon Harvest is just sweet enough to distract me from a pint of Haagen Daaz. Because it's all about the distraction and ultimately shaking it off. If I can make it past the freezer and into bed before I'm kidnapped, I win! Unsurprisingly Baby Zee has taken quite a fancy for a fresh bowl of apple cinnamon Oatios and cold milk. She is my offspring after all. So we shared a bowl. The MMR shot doesn't appear to be having any effect at all. Even the injection site is virtually invisible. The doctor said that she can have a multitude of reactions up to 2 weeks after the shot. Am I jinxing it? Am I on thin ice? She's not even cranky. Feverish praying on my part might actually be helping. Or maybe it's just the cereal? Thank you Oatios!
ahh my son's current favorite is Trader Joe's Maple and Brown sugar. It's so yummy....maybe that's what I'll have for dinner....