Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The DTap shot - kicking my a**

I know most parents dread giving their sweet little happy newborn a shot full of a disease administered with a scary needle but we know how important it is.  In the last week, the subject of Whooping Cough and Tetanus has now come up 3 separate times.  Last week a friend told me their pediatrician recommended both parents get a Tetanus shot to protect their newborn and 3 year old.  Then I just happened to be at my primary care physician's office for a checkup and the first thing she said when I told her about Zoe was 'You need the DTap!'  So here I am, bent over in pain, moaning like a baby and feeling sorry for myself because I'm at work and I feel like sh*t.  Then I read a report about an outbreak of Whooping Cough (pertussis) in California. I guess I'm somehow right on time. Sure is interesting to experience what my daughter must have felt after her shots. This sucks.  Wah!!

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